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Paving Project - Fall 2022 - North

Thanks to the lobbying efforts of MSCA and in large part MSCA resident Ronald Kessler, the streets marked below in red will be repaved in the fall of 2022. This plan was announced by the Pavement Construction Supervisor for Montgomery County. The plan calls for patching before a full resurface and is supposed to be done by winter. As many of you have noticed, the condition of the roads in Montgomery Square varies quite a bit. Through the years, some of the streets have been repaved as part of a WSSC or Washington Gas renovation project and others like the streets in this repaving project haven’t been touched except for repairs.

Ron did a great job of making sure that both career and elected officials knew about the road conditions and the county found a way to fit this project into this year’s construction schedule.  In addition, MSCA President Bob Gross personally walked the aforementioned streets with the County's head of pavement construction.  Thank you to all in MSCA who contacted the county to report the bad road surfaces and who worked on this project.

9-21-22 update:  Please note that the project is being done in phases. First phase is to repair the base. They will then come back and mill and repave the entire street. After that they will put new road markings and stripes down.  The paving has already begun and when completed, all of Mongomery Square on both the north and south sides will finally have repaved streets.
